You’ve probably been spending more time worrying about your waistline than your thighs for years, and suddenly “the space between your thighs” has become a fashion phenomenon. For some reason, it’s not cool if your thighs touch each other when you stand, although it is often natural not to have this space.

Well, we are not going to encourage you to be obsessed with a space between your thighs, but your thighs are doing important work for you and for this reason, it is better to have them toned and strong. When you are told to “lift with your legs”, your thighs are the ones who bear the brunt of the effort. When you take a child in your arms or go up the stairs, even when you walk, your thighs are at work.

Losing a little thigh fat and building those muscles can make everyday tasks a lot easier. As a bonus, you may feel more comfortable in your pants. And yes, you can even develop a space between your thighs. But hey, that is not important.

Here are 6 simple exercises that can help you lose thigh fat quickly.

1- The plyometric squat

Plyometric exercises are those that include a jump element, which obviously engages the thighs. Squats are basically the most targeted exercise you can do for your thighs. Therefore, plyometric squats are one of the best measures to incorporate into a plan to reduce fat.

How to do it

* To start, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

* Squat down until your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

* Then jump from this position and always land in a squat. Use the full force of your legs and buttocks to propel the jump.

* Try to descend as gently as possible, knees still bent. Do not land on your toes, but keep your weight on your heels. If this movement hurts your knees, reduce the squatting angle until you are comfortable.

* Do up to 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

2- The squat with a ball

Here is another version of a squat that uses an exercise ball. It targets your thighs and as a bonus, massages your back!

How to do it

* Press your exercise ball against a flat wall and place it in the curve of your lower back.

* Place your feet at shoulder-width distance.

* Bend your knees slightly and squat down about 10/20 cm, if possible. Keep your hips and shoulders level.

* Hold this position for 3 seconds and return to the starting position.

* For beginners, start with 5 repetitions and aim for a maximum of 12 repetitions. Rest for at least 30 seconds between sets.

3- Circle with one leg

It is a deceptively simple movement that gives great results for slimming the thighs. It engages the whole body as well as the thighs, and does not require any equipment – just enough space to lie down.

How to do it

* Lie on your back, arms comfortably resting on the sides and palms facing down.

* Lift your right leg up toward the ceiling, your toes pointed and your leg slightly outward.

* Slowly draw a clockwise circle on the ceiling with your right leg, taking care to keep your hips still and on the floor.

* Repeat the circle 5 times clockwise, then pause and make 5 circles counterclockwise.

* Change legs and repeat.

* Try to do 5 sets with each leg.

4- The Sun Salutation

If you’re not ready for a high-impact exercise, but still want to work on your thighs, follow the advice of yoga. The Sun Salutation is a sequence of movements that depends on your thighs for its stability. Movements can be made more difficult as you improve.

How to do it

* Stand straight, feet together and arms hanging by your side. Distribute your weight evenly over the soles of your feet.

* Raise your arms until they are above your head, lifting your chin slightly at the same time.

* When your arms are stretched up with your palms inward, strike the pose of the mountain stretching towards the ceiling with your fingertips.

* Then lower your arms to the sides in a large arc and lean forward until the tips of your fingers (or your palms if you are flexible) touch the ground, one on each side of your feet.

* From this position, slowly raise your torso to waist level with your back flat. Lift your eyes forward, keeping your head aligned with your spine and your navel tucked in.

* The next movement is to bend your knees and place the palms of your hands flat on the mat in front of you, approximately shoulder-width apart.

* Walk both feet back and plant them hip-width apart, lifting your hips up and moving into the downward-facing dog position. Stretch your tailbone towards the ceiling and hold it while breathing deeply.

* Reverse the movements by going back into the flat back posture, then leaning forward, and finally bringing your arms over your head in the mountain posture.

5- Folded

Why not try a nice ballet movement to tighten the back of your thighs? Ballet is an extremely difficult form of dance, but you don’t need to take lessons to enjoy the benefits of movement. The fold is simply … another form of squat.

How to do it

* For this movement, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and point your toes outward.

* Place your right arm in front of you at shoulder height and slowly lower it until you are crouching down. Your knees will tilt outward, but should not extend past your toes.

* Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

* Keep your buttocks tight, your tailbone tucked in and your back straight.

* The movement can be made more difficult by making a slight rebound or a small jump in a squatting position before returning to the starting position.

* Try to stay in position for a minute, then rest and repeat the exercise if you can.

6- Toe squat with reach above the head

This exercise extends the basic movement of yoga called utkatasana, or the chair pose. It creates tension in the thighs by asking you to press firmly on your knees while squatting and lifting at the same time. Are you confused? We’re going to explain it, but this one might require some training.

How to do it

* First, stand with your knees and ankles close together and your arms close to your body.

* Take the pose of a chair by bending your knees and lowering your buttocks to a half-squat with your arms above your head, palms inward.

* Then extend the movement by standing on the soles of your feet, still in a half crouched position, arms in the air.

* Hold your legs still for a few seconds, then lower your feet flat.

* It is a precision movement that must be done slowly and with control. Take your time to remain stable as you lift your toes and then lower your heels back to the ground.

* Try to do 8 to 12 repetitions per session.

Keep in mind that these exercises are great for toning and strengthening your thighs, but good cardiovascular activity is also very helpful in reducing the fat stored all over your body. You may also want to consider cutting calories. You don’t necessarily have to change what you eat; just make sure you eat fewer calories than you burn.

With basic weight-loss strategies coupled with these thigh loss exercises, you will soon be proud of how your thighs look and what they can do!


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