If you are looking for how to lose weight If you weigh 200 pounds or more, you have come to the right place. You may have tried to lose weight several times with little success. Maybe you lost some weight, but it always returned or your program wasn’t sustainable, so I quit working.
The truth is that it might be a little difficult trying to lose this amount of pounds. And this is because of the lifestyle that has been adopted over the years. The major undoing of many people with this amount of fat is that they find it difficult to break from the habit they have inculcated over the years.
As the saying goes, old habits die hard. Thus, after losing a lot of fat, they return to this lifestyle and gain it again. Does the same apply to you?
If there is anything to know about being overweight, it is that there is a LOT of emotional and mental pain associated with it, especially when the weight has gotten this bad. You might even be angry or sad thinking about it now, but I want to assure you of one thing before I get into the process:
In life, there are always choices: you can either let your past decisions define and/or confine you, or you can choose to move on.
Yes, your past decisions may have affected, maybe negatively, maybe REALLY negatively, your current situation. However, your past can’t be undone. The reality is that you can choose to change your present to get the future that you desire. You can choose to move on, leave it behind you and start focusing on how to lose weight if you weigh 200lbs! Are you ready?
It is definitely going to take some time, but it is not impossible. In fact, I am positive that you will do it.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and just like any and every other thing that is worthwhile, the transformation you desire will not happen overnight. It is up to you to stand on your decision that until you see your intended results, you will not stop.
It may take some time but you have to keep going. Don’t stop until you can resist the temptations of high-calorie foods. Don’t stop until workouts become an essential part of you. Do not stop until you have lost weight and can Keep fit.
Following the steps in this article on how to lose weight if you weigh 200 pounds will not only help you lose weight but also help you stay fit.
13 answers to how to lose weight if you weigh 200 lbs
1- Get 7-9 hours of good sleep per night
Sleeping may be the most important habit at all to help you lose 200 pounds very quickly. The more you sleep, the easier it will be to control hunger and the more energy you have to exercise. Lack of sleep can increase hunger, lose muscle, and gain weight.
2- Replace processed foods with whole foods
Obesity has many causes, but the root cause can be said to be the rise of processed foods. Processed foods like cereals, cakes, donuts, and French fries, to name a few, provide great calories without filling. Worse yet, levels of hunger can increase shortly after eating these foods, causing a vicious cycle of weight gain. Eating foods in their natural state, or as close to being as normal as possible, such as apples, fish, lettuce, potatoes, eggs, etc. will help you to fill and stabilize your energy levels, in order to maintain this significant caloric deficit. In other words, whole foods answer the question of how to lose weight if you weigh 200lbs or more.
3- Eat protein with every meal (This is very important!)
While nutritionists may argue about whether low-carb diets are best, one thing is for certain – a high protein diet helps you lose over 200 lbs faster. Foods and meals that are high in protein help satiate you without providing too many calories. While one gram of fat contains 9 calories, one gram of protein and carbohydrates contains only 4 calories. This does not mean that dietary fats are bad. Rather, protein, especially lean protein sources, will help satisfy your hunger more.
4- Drink 8-12 cups of water per day
Drinking plenty of water is closely linked to improving weight loss. Staying hydrated can help increase satiety, especially if you drink a cup of water before each meal.
5- Schedule Your Workouts
Write down on your calendar what days you’re going to exercise and treat your workouts like unbreakable commitments. If you use the calendar app on your phone, set an alarm to remind yourself it’s gym time. For example, you could plan to workout every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
6- Invest In A Personal Trainer
A question about how to lose weight can be answered if you weigh 200 pounds by a personal trainer. A personal trainer can teach you proper exercise form and technique, hold you accountable to your goals, and teach you how to safely progress your workouts. Working with a trainer can also increase exercise success, helping you lose fat, and increase lean muscle mass more effectively than exercising on your own.
Your trainer should be able to take you through a fitness assessment to identify your weaknesses and muscular imbalances, which can help you set appropriate and realistic training goals.
7- Take The Stairs Every Time You Have A Choice
If you have a choice, challenge yourself to take the stairs instead of an escalator or an elevator. This gets your heart rate up and works your muscles more than idly standing on an escalator or in an elevator. Taking the stairs daily can increase your cardiovascular conditioning and decrease your waist size, weight, body fat percentage, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.
8- Do Yard Work Or Housework
This is about increasing your NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which is a fancy way of describing any activity other than sleeping, eating, and working out. Mow the lawn, pull weeds, plant in your garden, mop or vacuum the floor, clean the kitchen, organize your bedroom. Increasing your daily movement can be a major answer to how to lose weight if you weigh 200 pounds and have major benefits for your health and body composition. All the little things add up!
9- Eliminate Sugary Drinks
Americans are drinking more sugary drinks than ever, and we’re also facing higher obesity rates. Probably not a coincidence. Soda is filled with unnecessary sugar and calories. Ditch the soda for water, unsweetened tea, sparkling water, coffee, and other drinks that are not loaded with sugar. This is one of the easiest changes you can make to decrease your calories and lose weight fast.
10- Eliminate Alcohol
If you’re serious about losing weight, it’s important to eliminate or significantly decrease your alcohol consumption. Not only can alcoholic drinks be calorie bombs, but alcohol disrupts fat metabolism which could prevent you from losing weight.
11- Opt For Oil & Vinegar Dressing
When you order salads, choose oil & vinegar over creamy dressings. Better yet, get it on the side so you can dress your salad as much or as little as you want. Plus, choose just a few additions to your salad instead of each layer. Toppings, like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, cheese, olives, etc are fine, just not in large amounts.
12- Focus on following your plan, and not losing weight
Dieting and focusing solely on weight loss are big predictors of weight regain. Instead, focus on following an exercise and nutrition plan. Define your self-worth in ways other than how you look or how much you weigh. Focus on following your plan and your workout goals, like getting stronger, running faster, and being a better athlete overall.
13- Find a Workout Buddy
You’re more likely to stick with your workouts when you have a friend to motivate you and hold you accountable. You will also be more likely to keep your commitments of consistently going to the gym or the track.