You are here because you want to get rid of those excess fats and I have good news for you! And no I’m not kidding when I wrote “How To Lose 20 Pounds In Two Weeks” as my blog post title. With the hard boiled egg diet, you’re gonna shed those pounds pretty quick! I’ve done it and it worked!
You may have heard about the boiled egg diet by now since it’s all over the internet.
The egg diet is a quick, non-fussy way to shed some pounds. And frankly who wouldn’t fall for a diet like that? While it proves to be efficient in weight loss, every diet has its upside and downside.
Without further ado, let’s dive into it.
What Is The Boiled Egg Diet?
As the name itself tells you, this diet requires that you eat at least one boiled egg per day during one of your meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Since the boiled egg diet is a low-calorie and low-carb one, you will need to cut down on rice, pasta, bread and no snacks are allowed between your meals.
Eggs are a good source of vitamin A, D, B12, Choline and Zinc among others.
Most importantly, eggs are a source of protein and we know that a diet with the right amount of protein helps keep us full.
The egg diet is a fad diet that has helped many, celebrities included, shed big weight in only two weeks.
It’s reported that Nicole Kidman has used this diet to shed some pounds prior to starring in her movie, Cold Mountain.
Does The 14 Day Boiled Egg Diet Work?
The question is can you lose weight on an egg diet? Yes. By cutting down on calories and carbohydrates, you allow your body to draw energy from your fat storage and protein intake thus resulting in weight loss.
What To Eat With Your Hard Boiled Eggs
When I say egg diet, by any means you should eat ONLY eggs.
I highly recommend you accompany your eggs with other foods so you get at least a percentage of your required nutrients.
You are allowed to include veggies and drinks to keep things balanced and healthy for your own safety.
Boiled Egg Diet Plan
Although eggs are highly nutritious, you cannot and should not go overboard. Due to the presence of cholesterol in the egg yolks, it is recommended to eat a max of 3 whole eggs per day.
Studies have shown that 3 eggs consumed is safe and won’t produce risk of high level of bad cholesterol. It can slightly increase but not much as stated by Healthline.
Below is your diet plan that will help you lose 20 pounds or more in just two weeks!
7-Day Sample Menu
Day 1
Breakfast: Take 2 boiled eggs and 1 orange | Lunch: 2 apples and two pieces of small sweet potato | Dinner: Grilled Salmon with salad
Breakfast: Take 2 boiled eggs and 1 orange | Lunch: 2 apples and two pieces of small sweet potato | Dinner: Grilled Salmon with salad
Day 2
Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 smoothie of your choice | Lunch: Green vegetables and grilled chicken | Dinner: Ahi Tuna and Kale
Day 3
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 fruit | Lunch: Grilled fish and salad | Dinner: Sliced steak and salad
Day 4
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 fruit | Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and salad | Dinner: Chicken and steamed veggies
Day 5
Breakfast: Two boiled eggs, asparagus and strawberries | Lunch: Beef roast with cauliflower | Dinner: Grilled chicken with bell peppers and onions
Day 6
Breakfast: Two eggs and 1 orange | Lunch: Grilled Salmon and salad | Dinner: Blueberries
Day 7
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and a smoothie of your choice | Lunch: Grilled chicken with mushrooms | Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and salad
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and a smoothie of your choice | Lunch: Grilled chicken with mushrooms | Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and salad